Crossroads Hotel i Lilongwe

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M1, Lilongwe, Lilongwe, MW Malawi
Kontakter telefon: +265 1 750 333
Latitude: -13.9767882, Longitude: 33.7577474
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Kommentar 5

  • Biaze Dieunang

    Biaze Dieunang


    Its up to a real 4 star hotel and the customer service is very good. Thanks for the response am from Cameroon and I leave just beside the house of the owner of crossroads

  • Emily Kaunda

    Emily Kaunda


    Wow so good and the customer services are perfect and above all the place is fantastic 😍😘 keep it up.

  • Myah Kateka

    Myah Kateka


    The service is amazing and the rooms are quite good.




    Very nice rooms and restaurants. Close to town and shopping malls

  • Daisy Kambandu

    Daisy Kambandu


    A really great hotel. Staff is very friendly and professional. Breakfast is great but I think they need to work on their other meals. I would have given them a five if not for this.

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