Mushroom Farm i Northern Region

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T305, Rumphi, Northern Region, MW Malawi
Kontakter telefon: +265 999 65 24 85
Latitude: -10.5866669, Longitude: 34.1345215
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Kommentar 5

  • H O

    H O


    There's no doubt that the food, service, views and rooms at Mushroom Farm are five-star-worthy. It has an American owner and has an American hipster vibe - and is accordingly expensive. $1.50 for a cup of coffee, $2 for a small carton of juice, $5 for a sandwich packed lunch. The whole place is very eco-friendly (own vegetable garden fertilised by compost toilets; only limited solar electricity) and supports several community projects. I was particularly interested by the community-support aspect and felt that although our bill was enormous we were donating a lot to the local community, so I was disappointed to read on the MF website that only 10% of profits are donated back to the community... Someone is making an awful lot of money out of the mushroom farm and it feels like a bit of a con trick. Perhaps some of the profits could be pushed towards fixing the truly atrocious road up there.

  • Lionel Euston

    Lionel Euston


    Best hostel I have stayed in. Great food (vegetarian), great views, great value. Long steep walk up the hill (about 10 km)- try for a shared pickup. Not many about on a Sunday.

  • Lauryn Strobel

    Lauryn Strobel


    Incredible place!!! Beautiful view, delicious food, totally off the grid (No WiFi, no power), it supports the local community. A MUST in Malawi.

  • Chris Gale

    Chris Gale


    A bit off the beaten path, but totally worth making the trek. Cute ecolodge with a wide variety of sleeping options ranging from self camping to private house. There is minimal power as you're off the grid but they provide internet a couple hours a day (when the connection works) and a charger for phones (not laptops or more power hungry devices). Everything about this place is positively integrated into the local community, many of which work here or are supported in some way by the establishment. And the food is delishious, cheap, and bountiful.

  • Allison Iott

    Allison Iott


    Mushroom Farm offers excellent views of Lake Malawi and a number of gorgeous day hikes to nearby waterfalls, local Livingstonia, and the Plateau. The food is fantastic and a great value. We stayed in both a shared dormitory and camped during our time and both options were lovely. Highly recommend!

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