Cultural and Museum Center Karonga i Karonga

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M1, Karonga, Karonga, MW Malawi
Kontakter telefon: +265
Latitude: -9.9420387, Longitude: 33.9225142
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Kommentar 5

  • Ben Wichner

    Ben Wichner


    I really enjoyed my visit to this museum. They did a nice job providing the background and history of the local area. Malawi is a neat country with rich history (some Happy some not so much). We learned about the devastating slave trade that happened here, very sad. But that's not the only story. The community and outsiders rallied around this museum and did a nice job. It's not huge but staff was nice and we met one of the founders who spent time with us answering questions. Also, Malawisaurus is super cool.

  • Ritu Kumar Mishra

    Ritu Kumar Mishra


    Very small museum. Have very few collection. Entry fee is 1000mkw

  • Matt Maroon

    Matt Maroon


    A really great tour through Karonga and Malawian history. And just about the only thing to do in Karonga if you have a few hours to kill. Great tour guides, passionate people, and a friendly atmosphere. Don’t miss this experience!

  • Rebecca Saeluzika Mzungu

    Rebecca Saeluzika Mzungu


    Rich with culture, visit them you will enjoy your visit.

  • Ross Auld

    Ross Auld


    A really great place to visit when you have a few hours to spare in Karonga. Very informative museum and a restaurant with garden seating. All things considered I highly recommend a visit.

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